Northeast Chapter

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

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The Northeast Chapter is centered in Chicagoland—from wide open prairies to deep forests, serene dunelands to vibrant marshes, this area has many plant communities to explore. Our organization promotes the appreciation, conservation, and study of the native flora and natural communities in our diverse region.

Our chapter plans field trips, social gatherings, and special events and we hope that you will join us!

Northeast Chapter Board

President: vacant
Vice President: Kevin Scheiwiller
Treasurer: Mark Kluge
Membership Chair: Kathleen Garness
Field Trips Coordinator: Carrie Sauter
Newsletter Editor: Melissa Duda
At-large: Dom Amato

View Chapter Bylaws, Code of Conduct, and Past Chapter Boards

Contact us at or follow the Northeast Chapter on social media:

Facebook    Instagram    Twitter

Burnham Prairie Nature Preserve, photo by cassi saari