Field Trip Schedule 2024

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

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Past Field Trips

Field Trip Schedule 2024

Hello friends! The Kankakee Torrent Chapter aims to stay active, seek outings that take us on fun adventures to find our favorite natives as they are blooming and seeding!

Field trips are mostly hikes, some camping trips and other adventures. Unless otherwise stated, the chapter meets up on Saturdays and meeting times will be at 10 am to the location posted. Please take a moment to read “Preventing the Spread of Invasive Plants Through Etiquette“. We’re all in this for the love of our native environment, make sure to follow these few tips to prevent the spread of invasive plants.

Cameras and sketchpads are highly encouraged! Come out, have fun, and share your stories.


May 11: Finding the LupinesMiller Woods


June 29: VISIT LANGHAM ISLAND! HOSTED BY STEVE BOHAN! 708-341-8665 for questions 

JUNE 9: IT’S A DOUBLE DATE! Heiland Forest Preserve & Iroquois Woods – Lead by Keith Nowakowski! Questions & RSVP Keith 708-793-9630 or email


July TBA: Liatris spicata viewing- Midewin – Goose Lake Prairie – Old Jug Trail – or – Mokena Hickory Creek

July 20th Camping trip to Nachusa Grasslands Area Franklin Creek State Park
More info to come.


Don’t let the lack of a formal gathering stop you from getting together and exploring while the weather is nice! Get out, take pictures, have fun!!!

Reach out to Floyd if you’d like to lead an outing!

We’re working on a new experience to bring members up to date field trips 🙂

Field trips will be included in the monthly newsletter and/or through emails directly from chapter President Floyd Catchpole. RSVPs are by email notification to Floyd @

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