Annual Gathering 2024: Tribute to Schulenberg Prairie

by Susanne Masi
It all came together beautifully. After much planning and organizing by the Northeast Chapter Board and Annual Gathering Committee, coordinated by Kevin Scheiwiller and his support team: Kathy Thomas (Benedictine liaison), Ali Touloupas (field trips), Dom Amato (tech expertise) and Kathy Garness (all around consultation), more than 60 members gathered from July 12-14 at Benedictine University in Lisle, IL. Many participants stayed in Benedictine’s comfortable student housing and, according to many, the food provided throughout the Gathering was interesting and quite delicious.
After a warm welcome by INPS President Emily Dangremond, Friday night was devoted to presentations by 2023 Research and Survey Grant recipients introduced by Grant Committee lead, Susanne Masi. We learned about Butterfly Weed’s genetics in remnant populations (Mary Ashley), fire history and functional plant diversity in Illinois forests (Dan Marshalla), competition among introduced herbaceous plants in woodland restorations (Rory Schiafo), Canebrake population ecology and forest cover in
Southern Illinois (Thanchira Suriyamongkol), and surveying for rare species and pollinators in Illinois’ sand prairies (Brian Charles).*

Saturday’s (and Sunday’s) field trips* brought attendees to diverse and interesting sites throughout northeastern Illinois, including Schulenberg Prairie at the Morton Arboretum – the focal theme of this Annual Gathering. Saturday evening’s events began with the annual Membership Meeting and buffet dinner. President Dangremond spoke of the past year’s accomplishments and plans for the upcoming year. The co-keynote speaker, Pat Armstrong, spoke movingly about the history of Schulenberg Prairie, its creator Ray Schulenberg, and his prophetic vision of prairie restoration which has had significant ripple effects throughout the region and beyond. This story – presented through fascinating historic photos – included botanical and restoration greats like Robert Betz, Gerould Wilhelm, Floyd Swink, Pat Armstrong herself, and, preceding Ray, May Watts. Pat’s presentation was followed by co-keynoter Kurt Dreisilker, Head of Natural Resources and Collections Horticulture at the Morton and current manager of Schulenberg Prairie. Kurt spoke of the status of the Prairie today and the impact of Ray Schulenberg’s work as its influence has spread regionally over the decades, and now globally through Botanic Gardens Conservation International.

The camaraderie found in connecting with old and new friends and colleagues who share an enthusiasm
for native plants and involvement in the natural world is always a highlight of any Annual Gathering!
See you all at next year’s AG!
*Check the INPS website: for more detailed information about the grant
presentations and the field trips, led by Pat Armstrong, Kurt Dreisilker, Ken Klick, Mark Kluge, Scott Kobal, Eriko Kojima, Julie Mason, Susanne Masi, Ed Max, Alayna Mikulski, Stephen Packard, Laurie Ryan, and Sara Schultz. Thanks to the Morton Arboretum for free access all day Sunday for AG participants.

Laurie Ryan giving tour of Glacial Park. Photo by Bernstein Smith