2018 Grant Recipient Publication Announced

2018 Grant Recipient Publication Announced

A Geographic range of Trientalis borealis based on collections from the Consortium of Midwest Herbaria. Illinois and Kentucky locations are not shown due to protected status. B Photo of T. borealis taken by EMD

Illinois Native Plant Society grant recipients are encouraged to submit their grant-awarded research to scientific peer reviewed publications. We are pleased to announce that 2018 recipient Emily Dangremond, Assistant Professor at Roosevelt University and current President of INPS, will publish her research on Starflower (Trientalis borealis), “Phenological responsiveness and fecundity decline near the southern range limit of Trientalis borealis (Primulaceae)” in Plant Ecology. A pre-print of the article is available at https://rdcu.be/cyKb2 and is also linked on the INPS website in the Grants Awarded page (under the Grants menu)